Message from Tournament Chair
Welcome to the 12th Oshawa Cup Tournament. Our tournament committee welcomes all players, team officials, referees and spectators. We sincerely appreciate the participation of teams that travel so many kilometers.
We truly hope that all the players, coaches and parents will have an enjoyable time and when the tournament is over, everyone will travel safely home, with memories that will be treasured forever. Hopefully, new friendships will be made, and previous ones renewed.
For your convenience, our web site makes it easy to instantly obtain scores and standings. Good Luck to everyone, have a great tournament, and most of all have fun!
Participating Teams
Oshawa Minor Hockey is pleased to have 54 teams participating in 7 divisions. There are teams coming to Oshawa from all over the province.

Oshawa Minor Hockey History
The original “Oshawa Hockey League” was organized in 1933, operating out of the old Oshawa Arena. This organization became known as the “City League”, and then evolved into the Oshawa Minor Hockey Association, with the slogan Hockey for All.
The Oshawa Arena, also locally known as Hambly’s, was located on the west bank of the Oshawa creek, immediately north of Bond Street, approximately on the present site of Ontario Motor Sales and part of the Kinsmen Stadium. This arena was home base for Oshawa Minor Hockey from the early 30’s until it burned in September 1953.
Our present base of operations is Legends Centre. Legends Centre opened to the public in 2006, and is Oshawa's newest recreation facility. The facility includes a 4-pad arena, leisure pool with lazy river and waterslide, fitness centre and indoor track.
Today, Oshawa Minor Hockey encompasses Rep teams at AAA (Eastern Triple ‘A’ League) and AA/A/AE (Lakeshore League). Beginning with the 1997-98 season, the minor hockey recreational House Leagues of the Neighbourhood Associations Sports Committee (NASC), and the Oshawa Church Hockey League (OCHL) were affiliated to Oshawa Minor Hockey.
The total registration for all branches of the organization is in excess of 3400 players, with ice time in all 6 current City of Oshawa Arenas.
There is a lengthy list of Oshawa hockey graduates, players and coaches, who have gone on to excel at higher levels in OHA Junior, the OHL, Collegiate Hockey in both Canada and the U.S.A., as well as to the highest level of NHL stardom! Check out our Alumni Page and Wall of Excellence at Legends Centre. The tradition continues.
Oshawa Minor Hockey Association… BUILDING CHARACTER THROUGH SPORT.