OMHA Sanction Number : 9991
AA - U10 (2012), U14 (2008), U15 (2007)
A - U14 (2008), U15 (2007)
AE - U12 (2010), U13 (2009), U14 (2008)
Tournament Information - Each team is guaranteed four (4) games.
All Games – one ten minute and two fifteen minute stop time periods (10/15/15).
All games to be played at City of Oshawa arenas (primarily Delpark, Campus Ice).
Please be prepared to start on Thursday.
Entry fees – NO GATE FEES WILL BE CHARGED Registration Fee- $1700 CDN Funds.
10% deposit ($170) due within 10 days of registration to reserve a spot. Remaining balance due by September 15th.
All players will receive a participant gift.
If you require additional information please email
[email protected]
Covid Refund Policy
If tournament is cancelled due to Covid regulations a full refund will be issued.
If a team withdraws due to covid related reasons a full refund will be issued.
Refund Policy- Non Covid related reasons
Deposit fee is nonrefundable.
If a team withdraws within 21 days of start of tournament there will be no refund.