Nov 02, 2014 | swraxall | 2227 views
Nutrition for Effective Hockey Players
Nutrition for Effective Hockey
Everyone can agree that diet affects athletic
performance. In fact, what you eat or
don’t eat can make the difference between a good or bad hockey game or
practice. Although nutrition
requirements can vary amongst athletes, the following guidelines will give you
suggestions for fueling the body before and after exercise.
Before Workout or Competition
- Carbohydrate is by far the single most important fuel as it is easily converted to energy and delays fatigue. Ideally, you should eat between 2 to 3 hours before training as this allows time for the body to digest food, absorb the nutrients and convert to energy. However, with an early morning practice or game, this is not always possible. A snack may be more appropriate. Choose carb foods that are low glycemic such as fruit which will maintain steady blood sugar levels and sustain energy. Try a fruit smoothie, yoghurt drink or sports drink.
Limit protein as it is not converted to energy as quickly as carbs and harder to digest. Save the protein for after.
- Keep fat intake low as it is harder to digest and may cause indigestion and nausea. Pre-Workout Snacks (1 hour before)
- Smoothie (banana, fruit-strawberries, raspberries or blueberries, orange juice or milk)
- Energy or meal replacement bar (low in sugar) - Dried apricots - Low-fat yoghurt
- Yoghurt drink
- Cereal bar or breakfast bar
- Fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, kiwi)
- Multigrain crackers with 2-3 ounces of mozzarella cheese
- Sliced vegetables (cucumbers, carrot sticks, red peppers, celery) Pre-Works Meals (2 to 4 hours before)
*Cereal or porridge and fresh fruit (bananas are good to help with cramping) *Multigrain bagel with peanut butter
*Sandwich/bagel/wrap filled with chicken, fish, cheese, egg or peanut butter and mixed green salad
*Pasta with tomato-based pasta sauce, cheese and vegetables *Chicken with rice and salad or steamed vegetables
*Approx. 1 bottle of water 2 hours before workouts
After Practice or Game
It is recommended to start refueling the body with 2 hours of your workout. Combining protein with carbs is believed to be the most effective in promoting recovery and reducing muscle soreness. The optimal post-exercise meal or drink should include 20-40 grams of protein and 60-120 grams of carbs, together with some healthy fat. For rapid recovery, chocolate milk is perfect for energy replenishment as it has an almost ideal ratio of carbs and protein. Suitable post-workout meals include pasta dishes, noodle dishes, pizza with vegetable topping and baked potatoes. Avoid rich or fatty meals (burger and fries) as these will delay refueling and can make you feel bloated after. Don’t forget to drink plenty of rehydrating fluid.
Sample Protein Smoothie:
Banana 1.5 cups frozen strawberries 1 scoop protein powder 2 tbsp favourite yogurt ½ cup orange juice *optional – 1 tbsp flaxseed oil